Tel (08) 8389 9550

GLOG was founded in 2010, with a holistic approach to vineyard management, services and winery support. Our dedicated team are very diverse in the background experience and have a wealth of industry knowledge and expertise. We have a long history of growing premium quality fruit for a number of highly recognised wineries.
First and foremost we are focused on 'working with the grower' to promote efficient and profitable vineyard enterprises for our clients. In an effort to maintain simplicity, the company has devised four different vineyard operation categories to enable the customer to access the required service.
Service Categories include:
Vineyard Management
Vineyard Rejuvenation
Vineyard Design and Development
Hand & Machine Harvesting
Trellis maintenance
Pest & Disease Management
Irrigation Design and Maintenance
Transport & Logistics
Technical Support
Viticulture Consulting
Contract Labour Services (Licence)
Grape Sales (ICA33)
Sustainable Winegrowing Australia Certificate
Looking to obtain your certificate for your vineyard, we can help with that service.
Tel 8389 9550 or email rachel@glog.com.au


Vineshears for vineyard rejuvenation and Eutypa control program